Membership categories

Committee members

For committee members, we seek a scientist based at university or (national) research laboratory located in MANGO region. In general, a person in the government is not strongly sought since they often rotate. The committee member needs to make sure he/she has time to commit MANGO activities.

Associate members

Associate member is expected to be a person not based in MANGO region but relevant to MANGO, or a person not in IGAC community but relevant to IGAC.

New IGAC SSC member from MANGO region

New IGAC SSC member from MANGO region is automatically invited to be the MANGO committee member upon his/her appointment.

Liaisons to other IGAC Working Groups

MANGO can have a liaison to other IGAC Working Groups. Currently this applies to Japan NC, China WG and Southern Hemisphere WG.

New member selection

  • New committee/associate member will be decided based on nomination by the current committee members. Discussion and decision are made by all the committee members.
  • Nomination will be open every 1–2 years, and for a certain period.
  • The selection/renewal/rotation process is same for both committee member and associate member.


  • The rotation is made by reviewing the membership/leadership (co-chairpersonship) every 2 years (the year definition is from Jan to Dec).
  • The member will be asked his/her willingness to renew and evaluated his/her contributions and commitments.
  • In case of silence for 2 years, the MANGO leadership can encourage him/her to step down.