Membership categories

Committee members

For committee members, we seek a scientist based at university or (national) research laboratory located in MANGO region. In general, a person in the government is not strongly sought since they often rotate. The committee member needs to make sure he/she has time to commit MANGO activities.

Associate members

Associate member is expected to be a person not based in MANGO region but relevant to MANGO, or a person not in IGAC community but relevant to IGAC.

Liaisons to other IGAC Working Groups

MANGO can have a liaison to other IGAC Working Groups. Currently this applies to Japan NC, China WG and Southern Hemisphere WG.

New member selection

  • New committee/associate member will be decided based on nomination by the current committee members. Discussion and decision are made by all the committee members.
  • Nomination will be open every 1–2 years, and for a certain period.
  • The selection/renewal/rotation process is same for both committee member and associate member.


  • The rotation is made by reviewing the membership/leadership (co-chairpersonship) every 2 years (the year definition is from Jan to Dec).
  • The member will be asked his/her willingness to renew and evaluated his/her contributions and commitments.
  • In case of silence for 2 years, the MANGO leadership can encourage him/her to step down.